Conflicting Appointments (medium)
We'll cover the following
Problem Statement #
Given an array of intervals representing ‘N’ appointments, find out if a person can attend all the appointments.
Example 1:
Appointments: [[1,4], [2,5], [7,9]]
Output: false
Explanation: Since [1,4] and [2,5] overlap, a person cannot attend both of these appointments.
Example 2:
Appointments: [[6,7], [2,4], [8,12]]
Output: true
Explanation: None of the appointments overlap, therefore a person can attend all of them.
Example 3:
Appointments: [[4,5], [2,3], [3,6]]
Output: false
Explanation: Since [4,5] and [3,6] overlap, a person cannot attend both of these appointments.
Try it yourself #
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Solution #
The problem follows the Merge Intervals pattern. We can sort all the intervals by start time and then check if any two intervals overlap. A person will not be able to attend all appointments if any two appointments overlap.
Code #
Here is what our algorithm will look like:
Time complexity #
The time complexity of the above algorithm is , where ‘N’ is the total number of appointments. Though we are iterating the intervals only once, our algorithm will take since we need to sort them in the beginning.
Space complexity #
The space complexity of the above algorithm will be , which we need for sorting. For Java, Arrays.sort()
uses Timsort, which needs space.
Similar Problems #
Problem 1: Given a list of appointments, find all the conflicting appointments.
Appointments: [[4,5], [2,3], [3,6], [5,7], [7,8]]
[4,5] and [3,6] conflict.
[3,6] and [5,7] conflict.